The Dangers of Absolutes – and a Few Other Matters: A Response to Anna Kerr’s Reply


  • Andrew Dyer



This paper is not subject to peer-review and is the final instalment of this Right to Reply series, published in this issue.


A Articles/Books/Reports

Burgin, Rachael, ‘Persistent Narratives of Force and Resistance: Affirmative Consent as Law Reform’ (2019) 59(2) British Journal of Criminology 296

Dyer, Andrew, ‘Mistakes that Negate Apparent Consent’ (2019) 43 Criminal Law Journal 159

Dyer, Andrew, ‘No! to Affirmative Consent: A Reply to Anna Kerr’ (2019) 7(1) Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity (in the issue)

Gardner, Simon, ‘Appreciating Olugboga’ (1996) 16(3) Legal Studies 275, 281-282

Hart, H.L.A. ‘Negligence, Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility’ in Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed, 2008)

Horder, Jeremy, Ashworth’s Principles of Criminal Law, (Oxford University Press, 8th ed, 2016) 360

Kerr, Anna, ‘Reply to Andrew Dyer’s Response’ (2019) 7(1) Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity (in this issue)

Larcombe, Wendy et al, ‘’I Think it’s Rape and I Think He Would be Found Not Guilty’: Focus Group Perceptions of (un)Reasonable Belief in Consent in Rape Law’ (2016) 25(5) Social & Legal Studies 611

Rubenfeld, Jed, ‘The Riddle of Rape-by-Deception and the Myth of Sexual Autonomy’ (2013) 122 Yale Law Journal 1372

B Cases

Brown v DPP [1994] 1 AC 212

Burns v The Queen (2012) 236 CLR 334

Butler v The State of Western Australia [2013] WASCA 242 (18 October 2013)

DPP v Majewski [1977] AC 43

Giumelli v Johnston (1991) Aust Torts Reports 81-805

R v Brown [1992] 1 QB 491Butler v The State of Western Australia [2013] WASCA 242 (18 October 2013)

R v B(MA) [2013] 1 Cr App R 36

R v Dunrobin [2008] QCA 116

R v Kingston [1995] 2 AC 355

R v Lazarus (District Court of NSW, Tupman DCJ, 4 May 2017)

R v Makisi (2004) 151 A Crim R 245

R v Mrzljak [2005] 1 Qd R 308

R v O’Connor (1980) 146 CLR 64

Wampfler v R (1987) 11 NSWLR 541

C Legislation

Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)

E Other

Crowe, Jonathan and Bri Lee ‘Reform’, Consent Law in Queensland (Web Page, 2 May 2019) <>

Dyer, Andrew Submission No CO02 to NSW Law Reform Commission, Review of Consent and Knowledge of Consent in relation to Sexual Assault Offences (1 February 2019)

Herring, Jonathan ‘Mistaken Sex’ (Legal Research Paper Series, Oxford Criminal Law Review, Oxford, 2005) 511

Sharpe, Alex ‘Criminalising Sexual Intimacy: Transgender Defendants and the Legal Construction of Non-Consent’ (Legal Research Paper Series, Oxford Criminal Law Review, Oxford, 2014) 207

Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia, Submission No CO28 to NSW Law Reform Commission, Review of Consent and Knowledge of Consent in relation to Sexual Assault Offences (21 February 2019)





