Homelessness and Public Space Offences in Australia – A Human Rights Orientated Case for Narrow Interpretation


  • Julian Murphy University of Melbourne


Australia continues to enforce laws that have the effect of criminalizing homelessness, even in the face of sharp rebukes from the United Nations. One category of such laws can be described as “public space offences”; these are laws that criminalize otherwise lawful activity on the basis that it is done in a public place. Unsurprisingly, homeless people living in public spaces are particularly vulnerable to prosecution under these laws. In this article I argue that, when understood against the backdrop of international human rights law, public spaces offences in Australia should be construed narrowly so as not to criminalize conduct that is an incident of homelessness.

Author Biography

Julian Murphy, University of Melbourne

PhD student, School of Law


A Articles/Books/Reports

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B Cases

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C Legislation

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D Treaties

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E Other

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